Friday, November 28, 2008

the intermittent fan ...

A local beetle is flying around an aged florescent light hoping to keep itself warm without knowing that florescent light doesn't give out heat. Its raining outside. The temperature is enhancing our laziness to do anything. Everything seems to be in a stand still. The night seems to be forever. All we could hear are just heavy and solemn rain drops smashing on to the faded blue coloured with cigarettes butt filled zinc roof that covers the surau. The unsynchronised rhythm of it penetrates deep into my heart and reminds me way back home, of course the warmth of it. From a distance away, something interesting perhaps, something warm is happening.

The stand fan is innocently trying its very best to circulate the air in the room. Its dusty blades were spinning and making sounds as if its trying to tell everybody that the 3 of them were working real hard. The yellowish which was once white extension wire was stretched to its max making the sockets just reach one of the four legs of the bed. The miserable fan's plug is connected to one of its loose sockets. The bed was somehow rocking with some sort of a rhythmic manner. Besides the squeeking sounds, it interrupts the fan connection making the fan on and off according to the so-called rhythmic flow of the rocking bed..... So, why is it rocking....??

Its entirely up to you people to figure it out..... anyway, the incident really happen. haha....


Anonymous said...

hahahaha bodoh la u eddie.

eddie said...

apa bodoh bodoh ...??
you even more bodoh ...
seriously .. haha