Friday, November 21, 2008

Mistakes ... :P

Aim for perfect flight ... That's what Shinkai always says in the Japanese series titled good luck. Unfortunately saying and doing is totally 2 different things. So, as a freshie in the aviation world, i definitely do many mistakes. Here are some of them.... but don't la so bad laugh at me.... haha :

1. I was about to depart for a flight, so i needa acknowledge the control tower.
I should say: " Langkawi approach, This is MAHA 06 on 119. 4, Good afternoon "
What came out from my mouth : " Langkawi 06 ......." then i quiet dy ...

2. When i was flying , I suppose to turn left to an island. The instructor told me to turn left.
The final result was .... I made a RIGHT turn.

3. Each time the control tower gives me an instruction, i need to repeat back. Its a standard procedure. One day, the control tower was giving this instruction to me " MAHA 06, you're cleared for taxy for training area LANGGUN 6000ft and below ......."
What i repeated was " Cleared to training area langgun 3000ft and below ....."
The instructor was like , " Chong, where in the world did those number came from....?? "

well , so far that's it ... Will update you all with more next time... haha


Purple Puzzles said...

omg...that's hilarious. more so when i imagine you saying it. HAHAHA

eddie said...

hilarious ...?? hmmm .... so evil ... tsk tsk tsk ...

YienChun said...

so funny..
blur blur..

eddie said...

keep on thinking of you ma ... that's why lo ...